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The divorce process involves addressing a transition to a new stage of life. Understanding that this is a period of change for the family, and that every situation is unique, a sensitive and empathetic approach is taken to meet the needs of the particular circumstances of the family. Concepts and steps are broken down to help set you up for a positive path forward.


Setting up a successful future for your child(ren) is an important focus of the separation process. A focus on stability and structure is taken so that the children have some certainty despite the changing family dynamics. Guidance is provided on things such as decision-making [formerly custody], parenting time [formerly access], education, holiday time, and other significant aspects impacting the children.


Child Support:

Obtaining financial stability is one way to make the separation process smoother. Child support helps with making sure that despite the new family dynamics, the children’s expenses and necessities are still being taken care of. Direction on child support is provided so that you can gain comfort with transitioning to a new future with your child(ren).


Spousal Support:

Spousal support is one aspect of the separation process that helps with financial planning towards a new future. Financial stability helps make the separation process smoother, so that you can understand where you stand to make decisions about your future. Guidance is provided on all aspects of spousal support, so that you have comfort in understanding your situation.


A separation means addressing what happens with your assets and debts, and those of your former partner. Complicated issues are simplified so that you can understand your financial future, including who gets what, how to address jointly owned assets, what happens with the matrimonial home, and generally untangling matters.

Cohabitation Agreements:

A cohabitation agreement is like an insurance plan, it’s in place in case something happens. While people don’t plan on separating, life changes and things happen. A cohabitation agreement can provide a roadmap or game-plan about what will happen with certain property, finances and debts in the event of a separation. These agreements are tailored to your situation, and a respectful approach is taken, understanding the sensitive nature of cohabitation agreements.

Marriage Contracts:

A marriage contract is a document that couples can have prepared in advance of getting married or while they are married, that sets out the framework of what will happen with things such as property and support obligations in the event of a separation. The contracts are customized to the particular situation and what is trying to be achieved. Understanding that the issue of a marriage contract can be sensitive, they are approached with the care and respect needed to make you comfortable with the process.

Separation Agreements:

A separation agreement is a way to provide a road map, upon separation, for things such as decision-making [formerly custody], parenting time [formerly access], child support, spousal support, property matters, other financial issues, and divorce. Having resolved many cases and understanding the importance of having a hand in your future, a solution based approach is taken so that issues can be settled with peace of mind.


Sometimes a decision doesn’t go your way. When this happens, an appeal is a way to ask a higher court to fix or correct the decision if there are errors made by the original judge. Experienced with appeals, guidance and strategy is provided to understand the appeal process, the appeal options, and help with determining how and when to pursue an appeal or how to defend one.


Mediation is a voluntary process where a neutral person, the mediator, helps people with finding solutions to issues. It’s a way to help remain in control of the outcome of some of the biggest and most important issues in your life, without having a judge decide these issues for you. In mediation, creativity can be used to find common ground and move forward in a way that is customized to your specific situation.


Litigation means that you are involving a court to decide issues. The complexities of litigation are broken down and simplified so that you can understand and decide if this option is right for your situation or how to defend legal claims being made against you. Experienced in court and advocacy, guidance is provided at each step of the way, so that you understand the process, steps to take to achieve your goals, and what to expect.

Strategic and Other Services

Kniznik Family Law is available to provide services to other family law firms, big or small, when facing issues that need some extra help. Whether retained to work with the lawyer as co-counsel, provide background strategy or consultation services, appeal services, or take on the particular matter, the experience of a well-rounded family lawyer can be used to take things to the next step for the client.


Get in Touch

Kniznik Family Law

Phone: (437) 561-5650

50 Carroll Street

Toronto, Ontario

M4M 3G3

© 2024 Kniznik Family Law   //   Ryan Kniznik Professional Corporation

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